Temecula Valley Soccer Association is rich in the history of soccer in Temecula as well as the history of soccer in Southern California. Born in or around 1985, TVSA has grown with the city and the valley and has provided a recreational league for an estimated 100,000 youth players over the past 30 years. The league was founded by Willie Marschand as a place for the youth of Temecula to play the game of soccer in a fun and safe environment.
Throughout the years, TVSA continued to provide the youth of Temecula with an affordable avenue to play soccer and was officially incorporated in 1993. At this time, the City of Temecula established the Sports Council and granted TVSA official status as a recognized league. This designation was important for the growth of the league and afforded the league the ability to have lighted fields for both Fall and Spring seasons.
The mission of providing affordable and safe soccer for the youth of Temecula has been a pillar of the organization since its inception. It is that core value to has made TVSA one of the more successful and recognized recreational leagues in Cal South and District 5. TVSA has been named League of the Year, League of Excellence and many other distinctions. It started as an all volunteer organization and it still is an all volunteer organization to this day. The spirit of volunteerism is also a cornerstone of TVSA and the organization works hard to give back to the community. TVSA have a vibrant TOPs program for the city’s youth with special needs. TVSA and its members have donated money, time and goods to local organizations and continue to do so. TVSA are looking to provide annual monetary scholarships for graduating seniors at the 3 local high schools.
The current BOD and its committee members would like to recognize all of those who served this organization and its members and instilled the mission and values that we continue to strive to uphold. Their dedication and sacrifices have made this organization what it is today and that is truly one of the best youth sports organizations in Southern California.